- Blog # 2

Tech in the Time of Corona,

Staying Separate-While Connected: is eminently more important than ever before.
We are lucky to live in a time where we can connect easily everywhere.  In this regard information being power, then being connected is the path to seeing this through.   Zooming with friends and family and working remotely, is now our new reality, as once predicted by Jared Spataro, VP at MicrosoftThat said, we have the oppertunity through our technology and especially our actions, to use it to help ourselves and assist others. United in this effort we can all see this through together.

Streaming movies, data, and news on Netflix, You Tube, Zoom and more, for entertainment and information, is how we stay informed and connected as we move forward.  In many communities Artists are taking to You-Tube and Instagram, forming a human bond to spread compassion, allowing all of us to be separate yet united and informed.   What is even more remarkable is the stream and speed by which people have organized to help others.   

Go-Fund-Me’s have popped up distributing money, food and more for people hit hardest by this crisis. Healing practitioners offer meditation sessions, yoga classes and other services all online. Sewing tips for masks, and surgical gowns are circulated online, and everyone from the rapper Future to designer, Collina Strada, have begun efforts to produce them for front-line workers. Copper3D released its pending patent for 3-D printed masks, allowing anyone with a printer to churn them out and distribute them.  In a local neighborhood, someone created a Slack channel where people shared strategies for deferring credit-card payments and rent and offered to run errands for families in need. Even the online performances, like D-Nice’s dance party, felt as though they were less about pure entertainment and more about serving a nation, a world even, that was suffering in isolation and fear.  Overcoming our fears and rechanneling it in a positive way is now up to each and everyone of us.  Our actions today staying positive and safe will carve the way out of this and hopefully prevent anything like it from ever happening again.  

Tell us about the technology you are using or have learned to use to stay connected?   What was the hardest thing to learn about it?  What technology would you recommend?   Is there any technology you would not recommend?  Why?

We look forward to your comments and suggestions. 

“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” 
-Nelson Mandela


  1. Hello family. Did the authorities lied to us when they said that the virus was NOT AIRBORNE, or were they just ignorant to the fact? And consider for a moment, the time it took for then to rule on agree on the wearing of facial covering outside/in the public space. And how do you process all of this give the context and space that we have to work in, at the port? It's nothing short of a miracle that the IC family is still together, and will emerge stronger! Jehovah, my provider.


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