- Blog # 18
Intercruises Mini Escape-Via the Circle Line…Back on the water!
aboard were very thankful for the freedom to be on the water and enjoy some
familiar friendly company once again. Our
team was delighted to be outside and together again, enjoying a beautiful sun
filled day, first on shore and then onboard.
We caught up on our friendships, we clapped, we did not sing,
but we were all delighted to see each other’s smiling faces again, even though
they were behind masks. It was
invigorating to be on the water, and we are all anxious for the time we can
return to work on much larger ships that sail the seas. Thanks
to the Captain and all his amazing crew for a unforgettable time..
Nicholas De La Rosa with Captain Kenneth Corcoran of Circle Line
Slightly half over, this year may feel like it’s the longest ever recorded. Social distancing still exists, masks are mandatory, and many now work remotely from home. Who would have thought 9 months ago remote learning, mixed with some in-school teaching, would be a real thing? Leaving many to wonder what’s next on the New Normal list?
Keeping a sense
of humor: According to Wake Forest University and
Allison Forti PHD, Humor is the best medicine for just about anything. The endorphins released by laughter
reduce pain and allow us to get past discomfort. Laughter improves job performance, especially
if tasks demand creativity and solving problems with others. In personal relationships laughter is entirely
underestimated. Having a sense of humor
can save a marriage, nurture friendships, calm children, and ease tense
It has
been proven by many comedians that jokes especially about couples get
the most laughs. Laughter is one of the
cornerstones of a good marriage, and great friendships. Laughter ignites infectious
smiles, creates a sense of warmth and is a calming equalizer in awkward
Laughing synchronizes
the brains speaker and listener, to be emotionally attuned. Shared laughter gives
us strength in adversity, calms the endorphins during stress, and gives us
control in uncertainty. It’s also infectious as the charming giggles of a
mischievous child.
Most importantly, in jokes — especially
funny coronavirus jokes,
laughter can unite us and help us feel connected, one masked human to another. Joined laughter literally makes us stronger. Studies indicate a hole hearted belly laugh
can boost, dopamine levels, and strengthen the immune system. A good laugh
stimulates the body's organs, and increases oxygen to the heart, lungs, and
muscles. Laughter triggers endorphins
that help handle stress, lower blood-pressure and… strengthen human resistance
to fight the coronavirus.
With that in mind please enjoy the below…
If comedy is humanity’s free
coping mechanism, and the internet has a bottomless pit of humorous distractions,
then according to
Vulture.com, people will continue to turn to the internet for
entertainment, and online comedy will continue to proliferate. So, go sing a funny song, do a silly dance,
and spread a little funny around….
“Every disaster movie starts with the government ignoring a scientist”
“Day 1: I have stocked up on enough non-perishable food and supplies to last me for 6 months, maybe years, so that I can remain in isolation for as long as it takes to see out the pandemic. I am in the supermarket now because I wanted Twix.”
“Day 2: Without sports: Found a young lady sitting on my couch. Apparently, she’s my wife, she seems nice.”
Nurse—"Your Coivid-19
test came back positive!”
Patient—"That can’t be
correct I have more thatn 300 rolls of toilet paper!”
Funniest Quarantine Jokes
1) Why
did the chicken cross the road? Because the chicken behind it didn’t know
how to socially distance properly.
2) Two
grandmothers were bragging about their precious darlings. One of them says to
the other, “Mine are so good at social distancing, they won’t even call me.”
3) Who’s idea
was it to sing “Happy Birthday” while washing your hands? Now every time I go
to the bathroom, my kids expect me to walk out with a cake.
4) My husband
purchased a world map and then gave me a dart and said, “Throw this and
wherever it lands—that’s where I’m taking you when this pandemic ends.” Turns
out, we’re spending two weeks behind the fridge.
5) My mom
always told me I wouldn’t accomplish anything by lying in bed all day. But look
at me now, ma! I’m saving the world!
6) After years of wanting to thoroughly clean my
house but lacking the time, this week I
discovered that wasn’t the reason.
7) If I keep
stress-eating at this level, the buttons on my shirt will start socially
distancing from each other.
8) Every few days try your jeans on just to make
sure they fit. Pajamas will have you believe all is well in the kingdom.
9) I am not
talking to myself. I’m having a
parent-teacher conference.
10) Day 121 at
home and the dog is looking at me like, “See? “This is why, I chew the furniture!”
Some people ask the secret of our long marriage: We take time to go to a restaurant two times
a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music, and dancing. She goes
Tuesdays, I go Fridays”.
I am just running some new viewing tests of this area.