
Showing posts from November, 2020
Blog 19 The conundrum: is living in the New York area- still worth it? Not so long ago in early March the need for a safer, easier, and more affordable life beckoned and many diehard New Yorkers found themselves faced with the choice of leaving or quarantining and sticking it out.       Debating the topic, to stay or leave of course practically became a blood sport at the time. There was and still is no easy solution to this conundrum, but history has taught us a lot about flight and resurgence.   New York came back after the 1970s recession and after Sept. 11. New York survived power outages, hurricanes and even riots. The questions on many minds is how long will it take to fully come back now?   With this in mind the following are a few thoughts to ponder… “We can get more space, get on the property ladder and not spend so much money on rent,” said Imran Hafiz about trading in Brooklyn f...